Pizza Connection in Naples: Neapolitan Mafia Behind Pizzeria Loved by Bill Clinton


The Camorrista clan of the Contini family was revealed to be linked to the management of the renowned pizzeria "del Presidente" in the heart of Naples.

Investigations by the Neapolitan District Anti-Mafia Directorate – led by Alessandra Converso and Daniela Varone – led to the arrest of five individuals.

Three are in pre-trial detention, while two are under house arrest, on charges of fraudulent transfer of assets and money laundering with mafia involvement. The well-known restaurant on Via dei Tribunali, named after the pizza maker who once served former U.S. President Bill Clinton, was seized along with assets totaling 3.5 million.

The DDA stated that the business was acquired with financial support and "protection" from a key Contini clan member, who continued to receive a share of the profits even after being imprisoned for involvement in drug trafficking.

The alarming discoveries from the investigation once again raise concerns about the safety of planning a vacation in Naples.