How to Make the Perfect Pasta e Fagioli
My pasta e fagioli
First the beans. For your perfect pasta e fagioli you really need dry beans and among them the borlotti variety are your top choice. If you can’t find them in your local store you can find them online and have them delivered.
Borlotti Beans
Once you have your dry borlotti beans, soak them in water overnight.
After a night sitting in the water, put your beans in a large pot and cover them with with water by a few inches. Cook them for at least three hours until the beans are as soft and tender as a child’s cheek. This is crucially important - the beans need to be very soft to be used in the sauce later and need to release all their flavorsome juice into the water. I tend to boil my beans in plain, unsalted water but some people like salt. Others add baking soda to soften the beans; others aromatics like bay leaves.
Add the cherry tomatoes after about two hours so that they cook for at least 30 minutes or more. It’s OK if they disintegrate into the bean water.
Now that your beans have cooked for three or so hours look at the water - if it has a gooey and dark-brown-marsh-water-like-look it’s all good. That’s where the magic is.
At this point, throw your pasta in and stir the pot now and then until it’s cooked. Ideally the pasta water ratio should be such that the pasta soaks up all the water. As for the type of pasta: Italians traditionally use spaghetti which they snap into 5 cm long pieces but I like to use paccheri.
Just right before the pasta is ready throw you grated Parmesan cheese and a splash of olive oil if you like. Keep stirring (mantecare) until the cheese becomes one thing with the bean sauce.
Final touch
Before adding the tomatoes to the beans, if you feel inspired and have time on your hands, you can cook the cherry tomatoes in a frying pan with some olive oil and garlic.
Borlotti beans …….. 300 gr
Pasta ……………… 300 gr
Cherry tomatoes ……… three or four
Parmesan …………… 60 gr
Extra Virgin Olive Oil …. 2 tablespoons