"I can't stand my man doing chores - it dampens my libido".
Laura Chiatti
Known for her looks, her singing and acting skills, the stunning Laura Chiatti has made some controversial comments that are taking social media by storm.
During Domenica in, a widely popular TV show in Italy, the singer/actress Laura Chiatti said that she never lets her husband do chores in her house.
I’m a little old fashioned that way- she said quite candidly to Mara Venier, the TV host who was interviewing the actress alongside her husband, Marco Boccio.
I can’t stand seeing my husband make the bed, or vacuum, or do the dishes. I just can’t look at it. I’m old fashioned this way, it dampens my libido. It just kills me.
This was enough to elicit outrage and elation in a lot of people in Italy.
A right wing politician, Simone Pillon, came forward in a rush of support for Laura Chiatti’s interview.
Simone Pillon, a right wing, ultra Catholic Italian politician.
Others, mainly women, took to social media saying that the problem is in Laura Chiatti’s messed-up head, not her opinion on gender roles.
Marco Boccio, the actress’ husband, during the interview tried to water down Chiatti’s comments by saying that he does some chores whenever he can. But the damage was done and the controversy started going down in mainstream media in Italy like a rolling stone, and nothing seems to be able to stop it.