Only 6% of Italian Expats Know About Broccoli Ripassati
We polled the Italian community on Facebook about how to best cook broccoli and we discovered that just 6% of Italians know about broccoli ripassati.
Ripassare is an Italian verb and it means re-pass, go over again.
Broccoli ripassati is not exactly a recipe, it is more a method, which calls for some attention. Essentially, broccoli re-passed, means cooking them twice, first by boiling, then in the frying pan. This way broccoli come out so tender and creamy, glistening with olive oil, alive with deliciousness.
How to Cook Broccoli Ripassati
Once you trimmed your broccoli, split them into medium florets. Cut away the tough skin from the stalk and cut it into thick strips.
Boil the florets in well-salted water until tender (give it around 7 minutes).
Extra virgin olive oil is crucial, you should use a generous amount of it.
Warm the oil slowly over a low flame, so the flavor of the garlic and the chilli gets into that of the olive oil.
Lift the broccoli from the water into the frying pan, keep the excess water, as it is helpful. The broccoli cooking water that you pour into the vegetable pan will blend with the oil contributing to the creaminess of the dish.
On a medium-low flame toss the broccoli around the pan so each piece is well-coated with oil, add a pinch of salt, then allow the broccoli to stew for a few minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon, during which time it will break up, taking on an almost creamy aspect.
Broccoli Ripassati